Wellington is a beautiful picturesque town that is accessible to everywhere in the Central West of NSW and beyond.

Ned and Lynda Brennan
Born and bred in Wellington, Ned Brennan followed his heart, returning home to answer a call from his mates in the Hunter Valley coal industry. This sparked the opportunity to expand his steel fabrication business and it’s worked out well for his business and numerous others throughout the state. Brennan’s Welding are constantly on the go, servicing mines in Lithgow, Narrabri, Whitehaven, the Hunter Valley, Mandalong near Newcastle and Moolarben at Mudgee with mine ventilation and supply equipment. And while Ned let his heart rule, he has discovered that Wellington’s location is one of their advantages as “it’s accessible to about everywhere in Central New South Wales”.
Wellington offers a work-life balance that our metropolitan counterparts are envious of – “wandering Mount Arthur’s walking trails, skiing at Lake Burrendong or playing sport, there’s always plenty of time for that and our families.”
“That’s the good thing about Wellington, it’s so close to Dubbo. As far as business goes, Dubbo is a necessity for us and all of the people that we deal with are great for our business. Southern Steel basically bought a truck to service our shop, we’ve been dealing with them since we started. They provide a great delivery service and if we’re stuck and need an extra load – they’ll come down twice a day. It allows us to provide our customers with a level of service that we are proud of. And it’s putting Wellington on the map with a reputation for reliability in steel fabrication from the Hunter Valley, to Queensland’s Bowen Basin and Western Australia.”
The support of the Wellington business community has seen an increase in the number of services offered. Brennan’s Welding is now equipped for any steel fabrication need, which has seen them expand their client base to supply Stubberfield Toyota and Wade Smith’s ploughs locally. They are constantly investing in new equipment, such as high definition plasma machines that introduced a highly specialised skill set to the Region’s workforce.
Since opening in Wellington, Brennan’s have trained three apprentices and provided employment opportunities for locals. They’ve also attracted a few new residents to Wellington who have since made it their home. Peter, their Foreman is a sheet metal worker from Cairns who moved to Wellington when the workshop opened. He and his wife love it so much, they are selling their Queensland home and making their move permanent. Dubbo Regional Council actively supports businesses to attract skilled workers where shortages exist and they hold a number of events where business and the community can welcome them with open arms.
Wellington offers a work-life balance that our metropolitan counterparts envious of – “wandering Mount Arthur’s walking trails, skiing at Lake Burrendong or playing sport, there’s always plenty of time for that and our families.”
For more stories from our region, view our webpage; Dubbo Region Business Stories